Documenting Multiethnic Communities, Fall Qtrs. 2002 - 2005 & 2007
Asian American Studies Department, cross-listed with Film Department, University of California, Los Angeles
• Undergraduate seminar course where students learn documentary film theories and methodologies to produce, write, direct, and edit a short video project that documents the histories and experiences of ethnic communities and people of color in the United States.
Beginning Video Ethnography and Documentary Workshop, Winter Qtrs. 2003 - 2008
Asian American Studies Department, University of California, Los Angeles
• Undergraduate and graduate seminar course where students produce a short documentary about the histories and experience of ethnic communities and people of color in the United States; they learn the theories and methodologies of Asian American documentary practices, community ethnographies, and oral history practices
Asian American Studies Department, University of California, Los Angeles, Spring Qtrs. 2003 - 2008
• Upper-division, undergraduate and graduate seminar course where students do advance work, producing a short documentary about the histories and experience of ethnic communities and people of color in the United States; the advance course builds on the theories and methods introduced in the beginning video ethnography and documentary workshop coursework.
Asian American Studies Department, cross-listed with Film Department, University of California, Los Angeles
• Undergraduate seminar course where students learn documentary film theories and methodologies to produce, write, direct, and edit a short video project that documents the histories and experiences of ethnic communities and people of color in the United States.
Beginning Video Ethnography and Documentary Workshop, Winter Qtrs. 2003 - 2008
Asian American Studies Department, University of California, Los Angeles
• Undergraduate and graduate seminar course where students produce a short documentary about the histories and experience of ethnic communities and people of color in the United States; they learn the theories and methodologies of Asian American documentary practices, community ethnographies, and oral history practices
Asian American Studies Department, University of California, Los Angeles, Spring Qtrs. 2003 - 2008
• Upper-division, undergraduate and graduate seminar course where students do advance work, producing a short documentary about the histories and experience of ethnic communities and people of color in the United States; the advance course builds on the theories and methods introduced in the beginning video ethnography and documentary workshop coursework.
I have taught documentary filmmaking and video ethnography in the Asian American Studies Dept. at the University of California, Los Angeles. The students made short films for their final assignments. For most, it was the first time they held a video camera, conducted interviews, shot B-roll, and edited film footage. Their films have screened in film festivals and are used in other Asian American Studies courses at UCLA.
Watch the EthnoCommunications Trailer on to see clips from their films.
Watch the EthnoCommunications Trailer on to see clips from their films.