subject specialist archivist & consultant
I have extensive experience with professional archival practices in a wide array of information environments.
professional experience includes: (selected)
- Writing over 80 online finding aids for university archives, heritage record collects, making them searchable online through library catalogues and other online search engines
- Inventorying and describing an oral history collection with over 100 oral history interviews in English, Mandarin Chinese, and Cantonese Chinese
- Surveying 1,000 linear feet archive collection that contained personal papers, material artifacts, art work, historical photographs, and oral history interviews in English and Japanese, culmination in 10-page report from which the institution implemented most of my recommendations for reprocessing the collection
- Processing faculty's papers that span a UCLA professor's lifetime career and scholarly works in gender and science & technology studies.
- Appraised and preliminary processed the personal and personal papers of an UCLA affiliated social scientist and Filipino American community leader on behalf of the Library of Congress.